Living Experiential Recovery

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The Next Step After Primary Treatment

Our Secondary Care programs are designed for people who are either just leaving primary treatment, or who have returned to their ‘old lives’ post-rehab and are struggling to maintain sobriety. Typically, the person is aware of what they need to do to stay safe…but hasn’t yet amassed sufficient experience to progress to the next stage of learning – the one that will keep them safe. Secondary Care at The Next Step introduces you to Living Experiential Recovery (LER), which you can then practice day-to-day in order to keep safe.

At The Next Step we help to bring recovery and real life together based on experiential exposure: RAW stuff – REAL stuff – RELEVANT stuff!

Using LER, we define and practice healthy actions and behaviours in real-life scenarios, to prevent an addict returning to their addiction. Our addiction specialists and addicts with long-term sobriety will help you refine how you deploy the tools most effectively, so that healthy actions become second nature.

You will make mistakes. Following active addiction, new neural pathways take time to develop, and like muscles, the more we exercise them, the stronger they become. LER is the practical foundation for making your recovery meaningful and relevant to your real life. Our Secondary Care helps you adopt LER, so you can start to exercise those muscles.

One of our key objectives is to help our clients enjoy the ‘experience’ of being in recovery… and the key to this is variety, and having a sense of freedom at all times. A client’s schedule will include minimal compulsory and multiple optional therapeutic components for us to tailor-make your overall, holistic LER program.   1-2-1 addiction counselling, Focus and Process Groups, fellowship meetings, interactive experiential learning, creative practices, physical training, mindfulness, meditation and a range of weekly workshop tracks are all available to build a rich content-base for your personal program. Using CBT techniques, workshop subjects offered as part of the program follow 3 distinct themes: Recovery in Action, Emotional Sobriety and Purpose & Meaning mentoring.

At The Next Step, we provide you with the experiential approach, mentoring and scope of activities to prepare you for living an enjoyable recovery life.

The key to success is taking the time to discover what works for you, and learning how to change and adapt to life on life’s terms. Very simply, working a Secondary Care program at The Next Step – living your recovery in our trusted environment – will help you get comfortable in your own skin, and give you confidence that you can stay safe.

  • For most treatment centers the “missing link” is what happens after primary care. At The Next Step I have seen first hand not just what happens, but the ongoing results of what they provide.

  • TNS has given me the opportunity to understand why I relapse and to plan for purpose & meaning in life. Without that purpose, I will be forever relapsing.

  • Whatever challenges life throws at me, I will be able to face them head on because I know that I have the care and support from the guys at The Next Step.

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